Call 760-432-8995 for quote
Fall-Safer.com provides retrofitting services when an elderly or incapacitated person is in need of special home modifications. Hard surfaces in bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, etc can be permanently protected with absorbent foam products. 100% reversible.
From $199
Bathrooms, kitchens, garages, tile flooring, dangerous furniture. Anywhere there is a hard or sharp surface that poses a danger to a unsteady loved one. Give us a call and get a quote.
760 432 8995
Warranty and Disclaimer
Fall-Safer.com provides a specialized collection of materials and applications of these materials designed to protect individuals from injury who may fall, brush or otherwise strike a hard surface. Fall-Safer in no way warrants that any product on service provided by Fall-Safer.com will guarantee a 100% injury free experience by individuals who for what ever reason may strike a surface where our products are installed.